My God!  The Election

My God! The Election

Our new president is an unevolved man, seeking to find his life’s meaning and validation as a ruling autocrat.  Winning the election was only a partial win.  Additionally, his openly expressed intention is an adversarial domination and broad expansion of presidential...

Ice Skating

Ice Skating

If you want to have the joy of ice-skating, you have to go out onto the ice. Skating rinks are good, but out it in nature — on a river or a pond or a lake — is even better. You get the feeling of flying while on your feet, you feel even larger than your usual self....

Create Your Own Spirituality

Create Your Own Spirituality

I recently read that if you’re going to be okay in your later years, you should probably have some sort of spiritual consciousness.  It’s an antidote to fear and anxiety while contemplating the end of physical life.   So: Create Your Own Spirituality Possible...

Twenty Minutes on Art

Twenty Minutes on Art

Both physical and mental health can be supported by participating in art, in its countless forms, either as artist or as observer. There is no requirement for either talent or training; simple sewing, doodling or even humming will do the trick. A mere 20 minutes of...

Valuing the Second Half of Life

Valuing the Second Half of Life

I’m excited about a new turn in my practice, toward clients who are in the second half of life. The second half should absolutely be the best half, and I’m helping clients actualize this in their lives. Most people find that by their 50s a lot of struggle has settled,...

Fear Keeps Us from Choice

Fear Keeps Us from Choice

Today, much American thought and behavior is driven by fear. Given the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the lengthy covid pandemic (two years and counting), the January 6th attack on our own national capitol, mass shootings (how many of those in the last two years), and...

Living in the Moment

Living in the Moment

If you value creativity and productivity it’s important to learn to “live in the moment”. Many philosophical traditions teach that living in the moment increases your awareness of what’s happening around you— and your ability to choose to relate to it or not — and...

Death Doulas Are Changing Our Culture

Death Doulas Are Changing Our Culture

The American way of death is going through some major changes. The COVID-19 pandemic coupled with the relatively unknown field of death doula may be leading the way to a more realistic and much more humane treatment of death. Time magazine recently published an...

Create Your Own Spirituality

Do It Yourself

DO IT YOURSELF CHANGE WORK Self-criticism is a disabling energy that hinders creative thinking and reduces the quality of life. Changing thoughts from how wrong you’ve been or how badly you performed to what is possible or what is right in this very moment causes a...

Making Friends

Making Friends

My friend Enzo has high blood pressure and has had to confront all the scary possibilities it presents. Medications have not helped to bring it down. His doctor sent him home with instructions to use a blood pressure monitor and take his pressure daily. He says he has...

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