Changework Psychotherapy in person or online
“working with Malcolm is a journey into
thinking, reflecting, changing, evolving and healing”

The Art of Thought starts with the idea that the objective of our work is for the client to feel better. Finding and resolving the obstacles to feeling good now, in the present, is the point. The work is direct, efficient and short-term.
Thoughts are where you interact with all of life. Thoughts dictate your feelings, your focus of attention, and your choices in nearly everything. Thoughts translate your dreams, fix your goals, and teach you from your successes and mistakes; they interpret and give meaning to all your experiences.
Managing your thoughts allows you to manage your life. The Art of Thought is about claiming and developing that self management, that self-sovereignty, that absolute authority over you own life. And that always feels better.
The Pursuit of Joy with Malcolm Campbell and Grace Kraaijvanger, Founder and CEO of The Hivery

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